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ARNI (Action for rehabilitation and Neurological injury)

Neuro Café 1st February 2023 by Linda S

We were joined by Dr Tom Balchin, the founder and director of ARNI (Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury) about the great work ARNI personal trainers, therapists and volunteers do to assist in the ongoing rehabilitation post stroke and brain injury.

Tom shared his own personal journey and the resources that are available through the charity.

After Tom’s stroke it took 5 years to see improvements.

Tom tried various activities such as martial arts.

He still has foot drop.

Tom discussed the positives he has found from experiencing stroke, such as leading his life in many different directions and a new life.

The ARNI Approach to stroke recovery encompasses:

  • Functional Task training

  • Physical coping strategies

  • Stroke-specific resistance training

  • The design of self-recovery programmes with the aim of self-reliance.

Top tips

  • If we do enough repetitions/tasks, our brain works for us and gets stronger.

  • Record yourself. Track your progress and a useful way to see how you are moving.

  • Make "challenge boards", these can be a collection of fastenings, fixtures and textures. All in one place, ready for you to practice and ensure you can increase your repetitions!

  • Ensure you have fun. Do a hobby, or try something new. For example, chess is a great way to train reach, grasp and release. Tom described how he became interested in DJing, a great way to practise shoulder/arm and hand movements!

More info about ARNI can be found on the ARNI website. Follow this link to their contact details page, if you would like to get involved!

Tom’s book: "Had a Stroke? Now What?"

For more information please see Tom’s slides on the LEGS Member’s Area

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